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Sphinx debug:
SELECT IF ((publish_up_stamp < 1 OR publish_up_stamp <= 1738708794),1,0) AS is_published_up, IF ((publish_down_stamp < 1 OR publish_down_stamp >= 1738708794),1,0) AS is_published_down, IF ((content_state = 1 OR content_state < 1),1,0) AS is_not_archived, *, WEIGHT() AS weight, IF ((featured_start < 1 OR featured_start <= 1738748394) AND (featured_end < 1 OR featured_end >= 1738748394) AND item_extra_rank > 0,1,0) AS is_featured FROM `com_sphinxsearch_nds_main_index_prod_index` WHERE `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 LIMIT 0, 20

Sphinx debug:

SELECT IF ((publish_up_stamp = 1738708794),1,0) AS is_published_down, IF ((content_state = 1 OR content_state = 1738748394) AND item_extra_rank > 0,1,0) AS is_featured FROM `com_sphinxsearch_nds_main_index_prod_index` WHERE `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 AND `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 LIMIT 0, 20

NDS Statement of Principles for Service Providers

NDS Statement of Principles for Service Providers

National Disability Services (NDS) is committed to a sustainable and diverse disability service sector, underpinned by the provision of high-quality, evidence-based practices and supports that strengthen, safeguard and provide greater choice for people with disability in Australia.

The Statement of Principles outlines features of professional, high-quality service provision that people with disability have the right to expect. The principles do not attempt to provide a detailed and exhaustive list of what should be done in all disability service scenarios. Instead, they represent a broad framework for ethical conduct and good practice.

In addition to legislative requirements and the NDIS Code of Conduct (NDIS Providers), NDS Organisational Members and Associates are expected to:

  1. At all times, act with honesty, integrity and professionalism.
  2. Foster a positive and inclusive organisational culture that promotes the rights of people with disability to freedom of expression, choice and control and results in contemporary, culturally safe and appropriate, trauma-informed, evidence-based services and meaningful outcomes for people with disability.
  3. Ensure compliance with all relevant Federal, State and/or Territory legislation, statutory and regulatory obligations and standards relevant to disability service provision, including but not limited to matters relating to financial and governance requirements, consumer laws, work health and safety and workplace relations laws.
  4. Conduct activities in a professional, contemporary and competent manner.
  5. Maintain the dignity, privacy and confidentiality of those using the services.
  6. Ensure that services are inclusive and sensitive to the diversity of individuals and acknowledge the impact of intersectionality for people with disability.
  7. Seek input and feedback from people with disability and people with lived experience of disability to inform organisational decision making, continuous improvement and innovative service design and delivery.
  8. Ensure organisational decisions, policies, procedures and practice guidelines uphold the human rights of people with disability and represent good practice.
  9. Ensure that new and existing staff possess and are supported to continually develop their skills and knowledge and receive the guidance and resources to deliver safe, high-quality supports.
  10. Take all reasonable steps to actively prevent, identify and respond to abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation of people with disability, including fostering a speaking up culture and embedding, monitoring and reviewing quality and safeguarding initiatives.
  11. Not intentionally disseminate false or misleading information – whether written, spoken or implied – nor engage in false, misleading or deceptive conduct or otherwise bring the reputation of NDS or the disability sector into disrepute.
  12. Promote a positive image of, and foster the inclusion of, people with disability in the community.

May 2023