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Sphinx debug:
SELECT IF ((publish_up_stamp = 1734759346),1,0) AS is_published_down, IF ((content_state = 1 OR content_state = 1734798946) AND item_extra_rank > 0,1,0) AS is_featured FROM `com_sphinxsearch_nds_main_index_prod_index` WHERE MATCH('(@type \"_news_\") (@type \"_news_\")') AND `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 AND `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 ORDER BY `is_featured` DESC , publish_up_days_from_now ASC , `title_ordering` ASC , `extra_rank` DESC LIMIT 0, 2
Queensland in Focus by Jason McKey, February 2023
Powering through the year, with Christmas and New Year distant memories, we find ourselves about to begin March’s activities.
Over the past month, I have met with the new Minister for Disability Services, Charis Mullen, to discuss issues facing Queensland providers. Minister Mullen repeated her desire to work with NDS to improve operating conditions for our members. I also briefed the Shadow Minister, John-Paul Langbroek. With a state election scheduled for later this year, NDS in Qld is taking care to give equal attention to all sides of politics.
With Tracey Shaw, our Senior Sector Development Officer, back from extended leave, we’ve begun planning our trips around Queensland. Face-to-face meetings with members give us a clearer understanding of the issues affecting our members.
But sometimes an online session is the only way to go, especially given the distances we have to cover in Queensland. We have already hosted several webinars this year and will keep giving you updates on relevant topics throughout 2024.
We are delighted that Cairns is hosting this year’s NDS Regional and Remote Conference on 9 and 10 April. The entire Queensland team expects a well-attended and successful event. We hope you can join us. If you haven’t already registered, go to the event page where you will find full details.
Perhaps I’ll see you there.