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Sphinx debug:SELECT IF ((publish_up_stamp < 1 OR publish_up_stamp <= 1734820632),1,0) AS is_published_up, IF ((publish_down_stamp < 1 OR publish_down_stamp >= 1734820632),1,0) AS is_published_down, IF ((content_state = 1 OR content_state < 1),1,0) AS is_not_archived, *, WEIGHT() AS weight, IF ((featured_start < 1 OR featured_start <= 1734860232) AND (featured_end < 1 OR featured_end >= 1734860232) AND item_extra_rank > 0,1,0) AS is_featured FROM `com_sphinxsearch_nds_main_index_prod_index` WHERE MATCH('(@type \"_news_\")') AND `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 ORDER BY `is_featured` DESC , publish_up_days_from_now ASC , `title_ordering` ASC , `extra_rank` DESC LIMIT 0, 2
Sphinx debug:
SELECT IF ((publish_up_stamp = 1734820632),1,0) AS is_published_down, IF ((content_state = 1 OR content_state = 1734860232) AND item_extra_rank > 0,1,0) AS is_featured FROM `com_sphinxsearch_nds_main_index_prod_index` WHERE MATCH('(@type \"_news_\") (@type \"_news_\")') AND `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 AND `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 ORDER BY `is_featured` DESC , publish_up_days_from_now ASC , `title_ordering` ASC , `extra_rank` DESC LIMIT 0, 2
NDS analyses DRC recommendations on employment
In this analysis and comment on the Disability Royal Commissionâs key recommendations on employment, we look at Disability Employment Services, targets for disability employment in the public sector, procurement and supported employment, including wage settings.
The recommendations for employment are concentrated in Volume 7 of the final report. Where we reference specific recommendations, the recommendation number will be listed in brackets so you can review the detail from the report.