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Sphinx debug:SELECT IF ((publish_up_stamp < 1 OR publish_up_stamp <= 1734816471),1,0) AS is_published_up, IF ((publish_down_stamp < 1 OR publish_down_stamp >= 1734816471),1,0) AS is_published_down, IF ((content_state = 1 OR content_state < 1),1,0) AS is_not_archived, *, WEIGHT() AS weight, IF ((featured_start < 1 OR featured_start <= 1734856071) AND (featured_end < 1 OR featured_end >= 1734856071) AND item_extra_rank > 0,1,0) AS is_featured FROM `com_sphinxsearch_nds_main_index_prod_index` WHERE MATCH('(@type \"_news_\")') AND `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 ORDER BY `is_featured` DESC , publish_up_days_from_now ASC , `title_ordering` ASC , `extra_rank` DESC LIMIT 0, 2
Sphinx debug:
SELECT IF ((publish_up_stamp = 1734816471),1,0) AS is_published_down, IF ((content_state = 1 OR content_state = 1734856071) AND item_extra_rank > 0,1,0) AS is_featured FROM `com_sphinxsearch_nds_main_index_prod_index` WHERE MATCH('(@type \"_news_\") (@type \"_news_\")') AND `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 AND `is_published_up` = 1 AND `is_published_down` = 1 AND `is_not_archived` = 1 ORDER BY `is_featured` DESC , publish_up_days_from_now ASC , `title_ordering` ASC , `extra_rank` DESC LIMIT 0, 2
Report identifies good practice for social inclusion of people with disability from CALD communities.
The Disability Royal Commission (DRC) has published a report that has found many organisations, including government, businesses, not-for-profit and community organisations, have policies or programs that support the inclusion of people with disability and people from CALD backgrounds. Â
However, they are not integrated with each other or with other initiatives. Nor are they implemented properly or adequately monitored, creating barriers to services for people with disability from CALD communities.Â