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Sphinx debug:
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Sphinx debug:

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Latest Resources

Sphinx debug:
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Sphinx debug:

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Good Practice Guides - Disability Employment

NDS has produced a series of good practice guides for members that provide comprehensive instructions for employers cover NDIS Employment Supports, Classifying Employees and Supported Wage System under...

Western Australia Disability Support Awards - 2024 Nominees

Congratulations to our 2024 Western Australia Disability Support Awards nominees! Visit the Western Australian Disability Support Awards page for information about the upcoming awards.

NDIS Review: Final Report Webcast

Breakdown of the recommendations and actions from the NDS Review, focusing on key areas of the NDIS.

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance

What is Zero Tolerance?

Zero Tolerance is an initiative led by NDS in partnership with the disability sector. It assists disability service providers to understand, implement and improve practices which safeguard the rights of people they support. Built around a national evidence-based framework, Zero Tolerance is:

  • a way for organisations to understand actions they can do to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect and violence of people with disability
  • a clear message that abuse, neglect and violence are not okay
  • a way of thinking about abuse as a human rights issue not a disability issue
  • an organisational and personal commitment to act on: 
- anything that makes a person with disability be or feel unsafe
- anything that doesn’t support a person’s human rights
- anything that we could be doing better
  • a collection of resources to educate and train staff at all levels to understand their responsibilities in preventing and responding to abuse
  • a way of working collaboratively within and outside the disability sector to prevent and respond to abuse 

The Zero Tolerance commitment is a commitment to recognise, raise and respond to any deviation from the human rights of people using disability services. It is a personal and organisational commitment to always have our eyes open and always be doing better to support rights.

Zero Tolerance Framework

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nds resource library

Zero Tolerance Initiative Overview – Presentation with facilitator guide

The Zero Tolerance Initiative Overview presentation and facilitator guide have been developed to support people to provide an overview of the Zero Tolerance framework to their colleagues and others within their organisation.  It is important that the user-friendly facilitator guide is used when speaking to the presentation to ensure a consistent message is delivered.

The presentation takes approximately 15 – 20 minutes to deliver.

Zero Tolerance Overview:

Zero Tolerance Overview Facilitator Guide:

Zero Tolerance Resouces Guide (iPDF) 

iPDF front page

This updated interactive PDF guide provides easy access to the Zero Tolerance films and resources. There are buttons and links within the PDF which take you from one page to another, and to external resources and websites.

You can navigate through the PDF by clicking through. However, unlike a website, the interactive PDF can be easily downloaded to your desktop, tablet or phone, allowing you to conveniently access it whenever you need it.

Download the Zero Tolerance Resources Guide (iPDF) guide below: 

Download PDF   

The accessible version of this guide will be available shortly.

Supporting Practice Leadership: A Collation of Resources (iPDF)

iPDF Supporting Practice Leadership

Effective practice leadership is essential to promoting and upholding human rights, driving good practice, and supporting people to achieve their goals. This collation of resources has been developed as part of the NDS Zero Tolerance initiative to support Practice Leaders who supervise direct support staff in the disability sector to gain a better understanding of the array of resources that are available to support them to do their job well. A collection of practice guides, fact sheets, film-based training resources, e-learning programs and templates have been collated and categorised.

This interactive PDF can be downloaded onto any desktop, tablet or smart phone enabling quick access to over 140 useful resources.

Download the Supporting Practice Leadership: A Collation of Resources (iPDF) below:

Download PDF    Accessible Word  

Zero Tolerance Poster

Download and print a Zero Tolerance poster to display in your services today!

Zero Tolerance - A4 Poster

Zero Tolerance - A3 Poster

Speaking Up About Safety

In 2014, NDS worked with advocacy organisations across Australia to ask people with disability about safety. The Speaking up about Safety reports reveal what practical actions people want from service providers in regard to safety. The message from people with disability was consistent and clear: we need to listen.

Summary Report

Full Report

Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Mary Lou McPherson, National Practice Lead - Zero Tolerance Initiative,, 03 8341 4300

or Sarah Nicoll, National Practice Lead – Zero Tolerance Initiative,, 03 8341 4300