Training and Development
ExpiredDevelop your team with NDS
NDS has a suite of Learning and Development solutions targeted specifically to the needs of the disability sector. We can help build individual and organisational capability, allowing you to focus on providing the best services and support to people with disability.
NDS members save too, with generous discounts provided.
The NDS Workforce Essentials e-learning library allows you to train your workforce online, anywhere, at any time. The library has more than 100 essential resources, tools and learning products, developed by NDS experts for the disability sector.
NDS delivers an extensive range of online and face-to-face workshops, in partnership with subject matter experts, to meet the professional development needs of the disability sector. We can even provide customised training in your workplace.
“NDS provides contemporary, relevant and high-quality training opportunities for the disability sector” NDS member
For further information, please contact the Learning and Development Team, show phone number, submit enquiry/feedback.