Supported Decision Making
Available now - secure your booking for 2024.
Decision-making is a human right and an essential part of everyone’s life.
Developed and distributed on behalf of NSW Public Guardian, this e-learning module introduces the Supported Decision Making Practice Framework and discusses in detail the various elements of the framework.
The module will help you in building your existing knowledge and skills to promote consistent best practice in supported decision-making. Critical concepts are explored and their application presented through examples and practical scenarios.
At the completion of the module, learners will have:
- Gained a basic understanding of the key concepts, principles and strategies related to supported decision-making
- Confidence to begin to apply this knowledge in daily work
- Ability to identify challenges and strategies to maximise opportunities for people with a disability to make decisions in all aspects of their lives
- Better understanding of issues relating to decision-making, including factors that may affect a person’s ability to make decisions and tools that might assist
By applying these concepts and principles you will be empowering a person with a disability and affirming their right to be in charge of their own life.
The module takes on average 80 minutes to complete. There are five sections (which are each approximately 15 minutes long). The module has bookmarking enabled so learners can complete it over several sittings. A Certificate of Completion is available to learners completing the module in full.
Acknowledgment: Produced by the State of NSW through the Department of Justice, NSW Public Guardian and funded by NSW Family and Community Services.
Free of charge
Note: This course is available on the NDS Workforce Essentials e-Learning Library Licence
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